Ciak Bomber more than a plexiglass cutter

The last evolution in Ciak multi material cutters: those who already own a manual Ciak can purchase the upgrade while keeping the cutter bar and some options. Set them on the working desk you see on the right. You can use the manual trolley and the electric Bomber on the same bar, creating a super machine capable of cutting many materials, from glass to cardboard, from forex to plexiglass.

The milling tool set on Bomber make a very good finishing compared to circular saws. No sharpened edges after cutting means time saving!  Many options increase accuracy and make work more comfortable.


What budget can you devote to panel cutting?


From the manual Ciak Professional to the vertical Gladiums (manual or electric) every budget can aim for the best return on investment!


The Ciak and Gladium manual machines are modular and can be transformed into electric ones (over 155 cm. of useful cut) or enriched with many accessories after the first purchase.


Every euro spent on Ciak and Gladium remains even when the needs of your business change: the same machine can be used in manual or electric mode.




Bomber cuts dibond, plexiglass, forex:

Check out our videos on Youtube!

DIBOND No need to finish the sheet after cutting, thanks to the milling tool: the quality of the cut is the top you can find, no sharp edges. Bomber delivers a flat surface, it doesn’t cut wavy sheets that is a typical effect of  wheel-manual machines.


PLEXIGLASS Bomber cuts in a pass 5 mm. plexiglass, at a lower speed it cuts 10 mm. too. What Bomber does (that is impossible for manual machines) is to cut narrow and long stripes of plexiglass. It cuts with no effort and great accuracy a 1 meter long and 4 cm. wide stripe in a few seconds. A manual machines can only score the material then the operator has to break it but if the part that remains isn’t wide enough there isn’t the needed leverage effect.


FOREX To cut 5 mm. forex by using a manual machine you need three strokes. Bomber cuts in a pass only, with no effort and saving time. Bomber is perfect to cut 10 mm. forex too.



Four sizes: 155, 205, 255, 305 cm. cutting lenght. If you need to set on the bar a manual trolley further to the Bomber’s electric trolley, consider the manual trolleys are 11 cm long on the bar.

To calculate the overall dimensions of a Bomber you need to add about 30 cm. to the cutting lenght: the 155 cm. machine is 185 cm. long.

cutting plexi


Cut like a professional!

Bomber is designed to cut sheets:

  • Plexiglass mm. 5 (slower mode 10 mm.)
  • Di bond mm. 5
  • Forex mm. 10
  • PVC mm. 5 (slower mode 10 mm.)

If you need to cut long serial plexiglass sheets  or other hard 10 mm. materials or if you need to cut fast such materials we reccomend Gladium machines.



cut plexiglas

Bomber, an electric and manual modular machine 

Those who already have a manual Ciak can purchase the upgrade while keeping the cutter bar and some options. You can use the manual trolley and the electric Bomber on the same bar creating a super machine capable of cutting many materials from glass to cardboard from forex to plexiglass

Those who buy a Bomber can do the opposite: having an electric machine, they can add manual trolleys that allow them to cut materials such as glass, cardboard and generally fragile materials that the power of the cutter could ruin or melt. By purchasing the Professional cart + the optional Magic box, you can, for example, create a tailor-made box for daily shipments. By purchasing the Power trolley (in the photo on the side) you can cut light materials up to 20 mm. (world record for a horizontal panel cutter).

Options and machine configuration

Bomber is the electric version of Ciak manual machines: the cutting rod (A) is supported by a lot of options.

Working desk (B) adjustable (G), aspiration pipe support (2), electric trolley (E)  aspiration pipe joint (F), interchangeable milling tools  (D) e gli optional necessari a gestire in sicurezza (4), misurare (3), fissare (H) e squadrare (J + 1) grandi pannelli. Le lettere “C” indicano i sollevatori laterali.

The “on” button of the tool and aspitator are indicated by their symbol.


CONTACT US: we’ll configurate the machine based on your needs 


OPTIONS            1, 2, 3, 4, C, D

Test the trolley extension! It is a needful option if you cut large panels because it allows you to cut without lying on the material but staying comfortably in position. See the video below.